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The Innovative "Squeeze & Fresh" Juice Cup Design

May 31, 2023

Design Agency: Backbone BrandingProject Type: ConceptPackaging Content: JuiceLocation: Yerevan, Armenia

In the ever-evolving landscape of modern markets, interactivity has emerged as a potent competitive edge. In this transformative journey, we introduce the groundbreaking “Squeeze & Fresh” juice cup – an idea that transcends mere packaging and evolves into a dynamic, interactive experience.

Championing the notion that a package can communicate and engage, the “Squeeze & Fresh” juice cup is not just a container; it’s an embodiment of creativity and participation. Its label, though minimalist, springs to life as it interacts with you during usage. This ingeniously crafted design ignites excitement, fosters a sense of creativity, and seamlessly integrates you as an active participant in the process.

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