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Emerald Crest Golf Club “Pink Night” Supports OCO’s Cancer Services

Oct 17, 2023

FULTON, NY — Members of the Monday Night Women’s Golf League at Emerald Crest Golf Club in Palermo, pictured above, recently held a “Pink Night” tournament in support of Oswego County Opportunities’ (OCO) Cancer Services Program of the North Country. The event raised more than $1,000.

“Thanks to the support of the women’s league at Emerald Crest Golf Club it was a great night,” Planning Committee Member Tina Bourgeois said. “We are happy to be able to support the services provided to our community through the work that Carolyn Handville and everyone at OCO’s Cancer Services Program does. Thank you our members who donated a lottery board for our drawings, as well as Patti Scanlon for Pink Ribbon key chains; Sue Mayor for a pink pillow and bottle of wine basket; Sharon Kells for a pink birdie shot glass set; and Evie Blair for five pink rally bags, and a very special thank you to Corey Shatraw, owner of Emerald Crest for his continued support of our efforts to aid OCO Cancer Services.”

OCO’s Cancer Program of the North Country provides free clinical breast exams, mammograms, pap/pelvic exams and colon cancer screenings to uninsured men and woman throughout Oswego, Lewis, Jefferson and St Lawrence Counties. For more information, or to schedule an appointment, contact the Cancer Services Program at 315-592-0830.

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