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Bought a Dole Fruit Cup? You could be eligible for part of cash settlement

Sep 02, 2023

If you bought a Dole Fruit Cup you may be eligible for part of a cash settlement over claims they were packaged in 100% fruit juice.

The class action lawsuit against Dole Packaged Foods, filed in Illinois, covers people who purchased the fruit cups between Jan. 12, 2017 and June 27, 2023. The covered products include Cherry Mixed Fruit; Diced Apples; Diced Pears; Diced/Chunk Mango; Papaya Mango; Peach Mango; Mandarin Oranges; Mixed Fruit; Pineapple Tidbits/Slices/Chunks/Crushed; Mixed Fruit; Pineapple Paradise; Red Grapefruit Sunrise; Melon Medley; Tropical Fruit; or Diced/Sliced Peaches labeled “in 100% juice” or “in 100% fruit juice.”

Plaintiffs in the case said the bowls contained “trace amounts of ascorbic acid and/or citric acid or other ingredients” and not 100% fruit juice.

While denying any wrongdoing, Dole agreed to remove the “100% fruit juice” language and add the additional ingredients to the packaging.

What are customers eligible to receive?

Customers with proof of purchase of the products can receive a cash refund of up to $18 per household. If you can’t prove you bought the fruit cups, you are eligible to receive a refund of up to $9 per household. Only one claim per household is allowed and the ultimate amount paid to customers will depend on the total number that file.

You can submit a claim online here or for information on how to file a paper claim here.

The deadline is Sept. 25 at 11:59 p.m. ET.

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